"So, Mom, did you get a job today?" greets me daily when the kids or hub arrive home from work and school. Looming on the horizon are several things that have me excited and terrified at the same time. One of the kids is graduating high school in May, heading off to Europe for month a half and is hoping to go to college out of state in the Fall. The middle child wants my car, literally. The baby isn't a baby anymore and I am weighing whether to send her to private school. So, in lieu of the hopes of dreams of three older children wanting to spread their wings, is a new nurse mother desperately trying to land a position as a nurse, somewhere...anywhere...hello nurse shortage, I answered the call ~ are you there?
I have applied for 150 positions. Five are in limbo someplace between recruitment and management and no interviews yet. I have tried calling, emailing, facebooking, and physically driving to see nurse managers. The words "new grad" taste like poi at the Luau. You know you have to eat it, but it doesn't taste good. How much can one emphasize one's maturity. Just look at me.
I have modified my resume 20 different ways, and yet the phone doesn't ring. In the meantime, I am selling my nursing books and homeschooling books. It is keeping my mind off the fact that my phone isn't ringing, and will hopefully buy my oldest a round trip ticket to Europe for graduation. I have a lot of books.
In the meantime, my suit is pressed, all my paperwork is in order, my license fresh off the press, and certifications updated for basic and advanced care life support. What more can I do? I have thought about catering lunches for units looking for nurses; seriously gone are the days of signing and referral bonuses. Whining.
Patience, I know. I think pray, hope and don't worry. Ok. Loans come due June 30...something has to happen before then. I'm better than poi.
I stumbled upon your blog while researching USF vs. Samuel Merritt. I've been accepted to both programs (USF's direct entry masters, and Samuel Merritt's ABSN). I'm curious as to why you chose USF? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Here's the blog of a follower of mine who is in similar straits, only she's an LPN.
My wife is an RN at a hospital that has been asking nurses in some units to voluntarily cut back their hours to avoid lay-offs. So, don't take the rejections personally, it's just a bad time to be a new nurse. Things WILL turn around, and hospitals will be screaming "shortage" again.
I passed my boards 10-30-09 as an LPN. I have been looking for a job, any job. No luck. It's very hard to keep my spirits up when I feel so rejected and/or like such a loser.
Best of luck.
This is the first time i have ever read your blog but I'm glad you are feeling free.
I hope you stay free and remember that life is what you make it <3
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