The first batch of books arrived today...plus my NCLEX review (that is over 1000 pages long!) I was talking to Trudy about the fact that every stethescope I've tried thus far requires an air tight, completely insulated sound proof environment for me to hear the faintest hint of a heart or breath sound. The only exception would be the abdominal sounds on my son...who is quite a volcano any given moment of the day. So, other than having an amplifed stethescope, I am thinking Littman has a cardiology model I can invest in, or maybe I just have ear wax that needs to be removed.
My physician called the other day to tell me I need to give more blood for my titers because the lab messed up the order for my physical. He also politely reminded me that I should watch my serum cholesterol (I do...just not the way I should); I expect that number will go down soon as there will be no time to eat once school starts.
Financial Aid called to say hello today. I developed acidosis and promptly medicated myself with Cosmic Cafe to intensify the stress. Who says we're so darn smart?
Today I opened, "Surviving Clinical" and promptly felt my BP rise. They are going to hate me. I know it and I am training myself to suck it up by making my kids irritable and not reacting to them. A couple people flipped me off on the highway today and I smiled back as if they kissed me. I can take a good beating...insults and criticisms. Clinical instructors are angels of mercy...I keep telling myself that...knowing they are going to kick my ass. Just keep on believing...I think I can...I think I can...
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