January 5, 2009 marks a day that will ultimately lead me toward a lifelong goal I've had to become a registered nurse. I've known that I wanted to enter the nursing profession since I was nine years old. Given that I am now 45, it has taken a few decades for the synapses to start firing in the right direction. Like many middle aged nurses who entered the profession late in life, it took a few tragedies in 2005-2006 to wake me up to the idea that I've always been called to this profession, I just never quite got around to answering the phone until now. What has ultimately began with a summer school chemistry class, has now turned into an accelerated second bachelor's program that will last until the middle-end of next December.
I think I wanted to chronicle this journey for myself and my family, because they have sacrificed so much to support me in it. I also wanted to have a diary of sorts that revealed what struggles may come, as well as triumphs, knowing that each day will be different, every patient ~ a blessing and a challenge. How will I change in the process? What will I learn? Will this be the what I expected? How will I deal with the obstacles? Will Trudy still my friend and lab partner at the end of this roller coaster ride? (More about her later).... What physical and psychological challenges will I face? These are all unknowns right now, at T-minus 32 days.
I think I wanted to chronicle this journey for myself and my family, because they have sacrificed so much to support me in it. I also wanted to have a diary of sorts that revealed what struggles may come, as well as triumphs, knowing that each day will be different, every patient ~ a blessing and a challenge. How will I change in the process? What will I learn? Will this be the what I expected? How will I deal with the obstacles? Will Trudy still my friend and lab partner at the end of this roller coaster ride? (More about her later).... What physical and psychological challenges will I face? These are all unknowns right now, at T-minus 32 days.
Hiya Gal Pal. I am sooo darn happy for you and Trud! I think this blog is a great way for those of us who have yet to make it into nursing school to see first hand what it's all about, and at the same time it should be a welcome respite from the hellish work you will be experiencing with the accelerated program you will be attending. I am so jealous. I put all my eggs in one basket for the Sac State ASBSN, and now they lost the funding, so my journey will be pushed out significantly. I can't entertain the idea of SM due to the expense, since I AM still working at my corporate job and responsible for the family medical insurance, and STILL waiting for my spousal unit to get a friggin' job (since March). Not to mention the fact that I have a daughter who will be starting UCD in fall of 09 working on a BS in Mathematics! Feeling a bit trapped, and sitting on a decent GRE score and a great GPA now, with the A in Organic Chem that I should have in 2 weeks. Who woulda thought I could get motivated enough to kick ass on these tough pre-reqs? There's a lot to be said for finally knowing what you want and going after it. We are the "late-bloomers" as my little old schoolteacher great-aunt liked to say. Hey, I'm only 50, and it's the "new 30", right? I don't ever intent to retire and sit on the sofa, I'd rather be doing something that counts. I have been wasting 23 years in Corporate America on stuff that doesn't, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. And I have my 5 and 1 year old kids to put through college as well! Maybe the three of us will be in the same graduate program some day. I had a blast in A&P and Pharm with you gals. BTW, I am attending the UCD School of Nursing Town Hall meeting down on 50th St on Monday the 8th at 6pm, and I have a nurse pal and a Sac State nursing student buddy (from our pharm class) coming with me. You should try to break away with Trud and come too, you won't have time later. I want to voice my opinion that they should offer PART-TIME GRADUATE PROGRAMS, and a PhD in Nursing with FNP would be awesome. They are still developing the programs, and are looking for input from the community. Love ya gal, hang on for the wild ride. Wooohooooo!!!!!!!!
I just heard about the CSUS elimination of the ASBSN program. It broke my heart because I know you were counting on that. Listen...I've had one rejection after the other in this process and I won't even comment on how I feel about the current state of lottery nursing programs (at least not without using expletives!) We'll have to have coffee soon. Hang in there. I can't even think about the money/loans right now. I know I must just finish what I've started before I'm dead. LOL!
Girl...Congratulations on pulling off your A in O-Chem and getting such great GRE scores. That will help for UCD once when get underway. Remember, no one can steal your education from you. It'll pay off eventually. Keep me posted on the town hall meeting! XXOO
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