Friday, February 13, 2009

You are a smart girl and I know how to deal with smart girls...

You're a smart girl and I know how to deal with smart girls.

James Mister Roberts..was referring to a boy..but in nursing school, for some reason, the trouble makers are all women. Women, who don't like women. Women who want to appear to take down other women, spank down women or just don't plain like women. Modus Operandi tactics primarily being humiliation, ridicule and gossiping.

This can be the case with over zealous TAs, teachers and students. It's ugly on you and a waste of time. That's all I'm gonna say about it.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like history is repeating itself here.... Hang in there! You have always been so good at being the bigger person.

COMRADE X said...

I say we burn their crops and scatter their livestock!!!
We had our troubles with "the Cheerleaders" too. We made sure we passed their M.O.'s on ahead of them....a few are finding it hard to land jobs where we are locating......interesting phenomenon...REAL Nurses hate those gamers.